What do you wish to register as?

To start using my pages, you first need to create an account. Choose the one that best suits you.

Information about registration

I am a resident, should you choose if you do not have a login but are already a tenant and want to see, for example, your rental report, add/change a forward address or create a service case but do not want to create a notice of interest.

I want to register as an applicant, should you choose if you want to create an notice of interest for an apartment/student housing/parking/storage.


When choosing a password, keep in mind that;

  • use capital letters, lower case, numbers and special characters
  • do not use anything that is easy to guess
  • do not make a note of your password visible to others

Please also note that you may need to review your spam settings to be able to receive emails from the sender no_answer@skebo.se.