Ta chansen - sök sommarjobb hos Skebo

If you’re between 16-18 years old and live in an apartment managed by Skebo, you have the opportunity to apply for a summer job with us! We offer work during weeks 25-27, involving maintenance of our residential areas and organizing recreational activities at our sheltered housing for elderly.

The application deadline is March 18, so take the chance to submit your application – see the link at the bottom. Youth participants will be engaged in various tasks, ranging from indoor and outdoor painting to external maintenance and storage cleaning, across different housing areas including Burträsk, Boliden, Bureå/Lövånger, and Ursviken/Skelleftehamn. – These work assignments are designed to provide practical work experience and encourage young individuals to actively contribute to creating a pleasant and welcoming environment for Skebo’s tenants, says Kent Ek, Head of Personnel and Security.

Another responsibility for summer job participants is to assist with recreational activities at Skebo’s sheltered housing for elderly in Lövånger, Skelleftehamn, Burträsk, and Skellefteå. In collaboration with hosts for elderly, they will help organize and carry out various activities aimed at enhancing the quality of life for residents. This commitment reflects Skebo’s dedication to its tenants.

Skebo views this initiative as an opportunity to strengthen connections with its younger tenants and foster a sense of community within its residential areas. – By offering meaningful and rewarding summer jobs, we hope to inspire young individuals to develop personally and professionally while making a positive contribution to their local community, says Kent.

Click on this link to apply for the job! Application deadline: March 18.