Skebo conducts transaction that could provide 300 new homes

Kartbild över nyproduktionsområde Volten 2
Illustrationsbild nyproduktion  Volten 2


Skebo has acquired a building right that enables the construction of 300 new rental apartments in central Skellefteå. The seller is SBB. The building right is located in the area of Sörböle, between Skellefteå Trotting Track and Sörvalla Sports Arena.
– We are constantly looking for ways to increase housing production in Skellefteå. This deal is a good example of how we, together with other companies, can drive the production of several hundred new homes, says Harriet Classon, Chairman of the Board at Skebo.

The area in Sörböle, formally known as Volten 2, is located just one kilometer from the central parts of Skellefteå and Campus Skellefteå. Nearby are also nature and illuminated tracks, community services such as schools, preschools, and eldery care.On Volten 2, there is the possibility to build about 300 apartments. The detailed plan for the area was approved earlier this spring.

– It is a centrally located and popular area that, with the recently approved detailed plan, enables housing. Considering the high rate of migration to Skellefteå, we believe that the apartments built there will be very popular, says Helena Markgren, CEO of Skebo.

As part of the deal, a previous agreement regarding construction on Lejongapet 1 on Getberget has also been changed so that Skebo will not sell the property in early 2026. This means that the upcoming tenants on Lejongapet will not change property owner as planned, and that SBB and Lindbäcks will start production on Krongatan with 180 apartments with move-in expected at the turn of 2025/2026.
– Our 155 newly built apartments on Getberget will soon be ready and we look forward to welcoming our new tenants, says Helena Markgren.