Visitors Parking

Following requests from our tenants, in order to reduce incorrect parking and ensure that the parking spaces are used correctly, Skebo now introduces payment for visitors parking in our areas. This will be implemented in stages starting winter 2024.

Fee: 5 SEK/hour (first hour free)

Daily ticket: 60 SEK/day

Please note! Visitors must register their parking upon arrival, but no charge will be made until the second hour begins.

How it works

Payment can be easily done through SMS or the Aimo Parks app.

Register parking via the Aimo app

  1. Click on the link below or scan the QR code.
  2. Download the Aimo app.
  3. Log in with your MobilPark account or create a new one.
  4. Select parking zone and time.
  5. Start parking.

You can find more information about the app here: Parking App Aimo - Aimo Park SE or via the QR code below:

Visar en QR-kod till appen Aimo


Register parking via SMS

  • Start parking: SMS Zone code, registration number, personal number to 71 711
    Example: 9999 ABC123 YYYYMMDD

  • End parking: SMS End to 71 711
    Parking is started/ended when you receive your SMS confirmation.

 For assistance with visitors parking, contact Aimo at 0771-96 90 07.
Mon-Fri 06:30-21:00 • Saturday 07:30-20:00 • Sunday 10:00-20:00.