Searching for housing with Skebo is easy. You register, express interest, and handle all practical matters here on our website or via the web app. Skebo's web-based rental process relies on you being active and searching for an apartment.
If you don't have access to a computer, feel free to contact Customer Service at 0910-73 65 00 for assistance. Our phone hours are weekdays 08.00 - 16.00 (lunch break 11.30 - 12.30), you can find our visiting hours under Contact us.
Who can apply for housing with Skebo?
From the age of 15, you can register as a housing applicant with us. To rent a property, you need to be at least 18 years old, have no payment remarks, and have a regular income for at least six months ahead from the move-in date. We may request references from previous landlords. You should use the apartment as your permanent residence, not as a supplementary residence.
Express Interest
Skebo's entire range of available apartments is updated every Tuesday on The available properties remain open for seven days, and to express interest, you must be registered as a housing applicant. You can easily do this by visiting My Pages.
Distribution of Apartments
The 20 applicants with the most points in our booking system will receive an offer to accept or decline if you want to rent the apartment. The offer letter will include any potential viewing time. You can respond to the offer on "Mina sidor" (My Account). If you accept, the response is binding. If multiple applicants accept, the apartment will go to the one with the most points. Once we have contacted you by phone or email to inform you that you have been assigned the rental agreement, you must confirm if you want to sign the contract by 12:00 PM the following day (1 day). Otherwise, Skebo has the right to assign the apartment to the next person in the queue. For student apartments, there are no viewings, and the contract goes to the student who first expresses interest.
The website shows in real-time how many people have applied for the different apartments and how many points the person with the highest points has. The number of points required to be invited for a viewing can change if more people with high points apply.
Block Expressions of Interest
Your expression of interest is blocked for six months if you:
- forget to respond yes or no three times to offers within 12 months
- decline apartment offers six times within 12 months
- accept a apartment offer and then change your mind when we contact you to sign the lease agreement
- do not pass our credit check
Expression of interest is blocked for six months, meaning you cannot book any new apartments during that time, but you still accumulate queue points.
Direct Booking - No Queue required
If an apartment is not rented after being listed for allocation, it is instead rented out through Bodirekt, where the first person to express interest gets to rent the apartment. When you rent an apartment through Direct Booking, you keep your queue points but cannot express interest in another apartment within nine months after signing the contract.